We, as Aca Metal are the seller of the precious metals -excluding steel- and technical engineering plastics. According to the producers’ raw material needs and wants, we frequently renew our products. Our main interest and competitive power is in stainless steel and aluminum. Our service center that is called “ACA METAL SERVICE CENTER” has been operating since 2007 in the areas of Cut to Length, Slitting, Straightening, Surface Brushing Grinding and PVC covering. It enabled us to reach the optimal solution while responding the customer needs.
ACA METAL LTD.ŞTİ. is founded in 1999 by Ahmet Cemil ABİŞ who had 25 years of experience in metal sector back then. It did not last so much time that ACA METAL become a leading company in the sector and maintain the market share among top. Thanks to the new product groups we decide by looking at the customers’ needs, we are carrying on increasing our market share. In 2007, we proved that we do not fail to act according to the changes in the sectorel needs by adding engineering plastics to the portfolio. In 2007, we also begin to operate in Metal Service Center which leaded us becoming one of the top companies in Turkey.
We, as Aca Metal following the path of catching the trends in the industry, following the innovations so that we can serve reasonable price/performance ratio to respond to customer needs and wants with our expanding professional network. We serve to those producers whose motto is “Buying on time, Producing on time, zero stock” by keeping wide range of products on our stocks.
Misyon: Globalleşen ve sınırların giderek ortadan kalktığı dünyamızda, dürüst ve kaliteli hizmet anlayışıyla, müşteri ve çalışanlarımızın beklentilerini karşılamak ve aşmak, partnerlerimizle beraber gelecek kuşaklara değerli miraslar bırakmaktır.
Vizyon: Önümüzdeki 10 yıl içinde, Türkiye ve dünya pazarında tanınır şirketler arasında olmak, ülke ekonomisinin temel taşlarından biri haline gelmektir.
Kuruluş: Ahmet Cemil ABİŞ tarafından 7 Nisan 1999 tarihinde kurulan firmanızın ana sözleşmesi 12 Nisan 1999 tarih ve 4768 sayılı Türkiye Ticaret Sicili Gazetesi’nde yayınlanmıştır.
Taahhüd Edilen Sermaye: 5.200.000
Merkez Sicil No: 1466676
Merkez Mersis No: 0002011411100012
Metal Servis Merkezi Şubesi Sicil No: 1374-KAZAN
Metal Servis Merkezi Şubesi Mersis No: 9723427717798216
Ato Sicil No: 66/359
Vergi Numarası: 0020114111